Individual Therapy

1575539137Has it been a while…

… since you’ve been in the right place?

Dark thoughts running through your head…

On edge and unable to return to a place of safety…

Trouble getting out of bed in the morning…

Walking around exhausted…

Life’s miserable when everything feels off.

It’s not clear how you got here.

SOMETHING happened.

And, like most people, you’ve tried to figure out what that “something is.”

But what you’ve been doing clearly isn’t working.

You need extra help.

335985671But it can’t be from just anyone.

You need someone who knows what you’re going through and what you need.

The last thing you want is another therapist who just listens [insert eye roll]. I know how annoying it is to pay someone to be a good listener and dodge like the plague your questions about what you should do next.

But I’ll guide you through this with clear action steps you can take. Some will be self-driven; others will be from me. But either way, this isn’t going to be easy. It will just end up better than where you are now.

Let’s go to the dark places together with tools and humor in hand!

We’ve got this!

All you have to do is reach out to me.

Let’s schedule a free 15-minute phone call to make sure we’re a match. We can then schedule your first appointment.

Simply text, email, or fill out the contact form below. I’m excited to be a part of your journey!