Men’s Issues

2151888165Things have been hard lately.

You have clear goals you want to achieve.

But recently you’ve felt paralyzed by all of the struggles in your life.

Anxiety, depression, relationship issues… everything seems to be going downhill.

After many attempts of just suffering through the hard times, it’s not going away.

You haven’t gone to therapy because guys shouldn’t go.

But, you need clear guidance and direction.

You don’t have time to deal with a therapist who “just listens”.

You need someone who can help you put words to the things you are going through.

332414234My expertise will help you add language to your struggles.

And reveal a path to help you get out.

We’ll address the parts of yourself you’re ashamed of using Jungian Psychology which reveals the unconscious thoughts that drive behavior.

And using Internal Family Systems approach, we’ll break apart the overwhelming emotions to identify areas you are struggling with.

This will give you the roadmap to improve and grow.

I know you’re uncomfortable being vulnerable, but all breakthroughs require great risk.

Let’s come up with a game plan that works best for you.

You want therapy to fit you, not the other way around.

I will tailor our sessions to meet your individual needs.

I have many long term, recurring male clients…

They choose to work with me for a variety of reasons – quickly discovering how easy-going and fun our sessions will be.

You don’t have to struggle to get through therapy, too.

Therapy with me is like talking to your favorite mentor (like Gandalf! Except I’m a woman.)

I’m a woman who embraces the uniqueness your masculinity brings to the table.

You need a coach to guide you through this phase of life.

Call for a free 15-minute consultation.

All you have to do is text, email, or fill out the contact form below. I’m excited to hear from you!